Tax Preparation Marketing Strategies
Don't Write-Off
These Marketing Ideas
- Overview
- Quick Wins
- Tax Preparation Marketing Step By Step Guide
- Tax Preparation Marketing Trends
- Get Help
How to Market Your Tax Preparation Business
Consider every line item and tactic to create the best marketing approach.
With all of the easy, self-serve options on the market for tax preparation, you'll need to up your marketing game to stay competitive. Work with a partner with strong expertise to help you find the right approach. Let's audit and assess!

Leading CPAs are embracing the digital marketing landscape.
"Digital campaigns lead to more than 3.4 million potential customers seeing FFTG's advertising online. The digital campaigns accounted for 53% of site traffic. There were 129 conversions from digital campaigns, inclusive of form fills, phone calls, and map direction clicks."
First Financial Tax Group
Marketing Quick Wins for Tax Prep Businesses
Take the stress out of the start-up.
Getting a new marketing strategy off the ground can be taxing. But these quick wins can help by delivering early traction.
Show Up in Search
While you'll never compete with the large national tax preparation chains, you can win in your local market with a smart search ad campaign. This may be the first (and last) place your prospects go when looking into their options for tax prep.
Promote Mid-season Services
Looking for a way to drum up business outside of tax season? Promote mid-season offerings and specials—like tax planning strategy sessions—to your clients. This will also make your service "stickier" come tax season.
Ask for Review
If you don't already have one, get your tax prep business a profile on search engines and other online directory and ratings sites. Then, reach out to recent clients via email to ask them to leave a review of your business.
Suggested Services
Primary Key Performance Indicator
Form Fills + Phone Calls
Recommended Time Frame
9 Months
A Step-By-Step Guide to Tax Prep Marketing
Marketing planning doesn't have to be taxing. Use this plan.
Be ready for the mad rush by planning ahead. This 5-step marketing plan will help you build the foundation so that, come tax season, your client pipeline will be full and healthy. Work with an expert partner to make things even easier.
Set Yourself Apart
Consumers have no shortage of self-serve, online options when it comes to tax prep. You'll need to clearly communicate to them why you're a better choice. Make sure you messaging and differentiators are solidified before you go to market so you can maximize your efforts.
Start with SEO
In addition to paid search, you'll want to target customers in your market with strong SEO content. This includes new or refreshed site content that is targeted to keywords customers are searching (e.g. "CPAs in Dallas"). Don't forget the local angle/city name! This type of approach can be tricky, so work with an expert partner to ensure success.
Keep In Touch
Don't let a full year go by before reaching back out to last season's tax clients. Keep in touch throughout the year with email, SMS and valuable informational content to stay top of mind. This helps build credibility and trust to ensure that come next tax season, your clients will be back.
Focus on Branding
Building a name for your insurance brokerage in your community is like building trust. You can't compete with the big insurance companies on a national scale, but you can still win in your own backyard. Use brand-friendly channels like radio, connected TV and OOH (billboards, sponsorships, etc.) to make yourself a household name.
Keep an Eye on ROI
In the uber-competitive tax planning industry, cost per customer acquisition can creep up quickly. Make sure you're working with an expert partner who knows how to balance and optimize your online media spend for maximum ROI. This requires a partner that understands how to implement multi-attribution analytics to give you the full picture.
Retirement Planning Trends
Opportunities for growth abound in the retirement planning industry.
More and more people are using technology to aid in filing taxes. And even though many Americans qualify to file for free, according to the IRS, the majority pay for a service to help file. CPAs need to keep up with the tech evolution to stay relevant.
58% of people paid to file their federal tax return, even though 70% qualify to file for free
46% people used tax software to file their taxes and 11% used a full-service virtual tax service

Get FREE Custom Insights
We have inside information on the audience and market trends affecting your tax prep business.
From information about the size and makeup of your local or national market to insights on your competitors and their marketing activities, we'll provide you with in-depth, free reports to help guide your tax marketing strategy in the right direction. Fill out the form to get started.