SEM Campaign Strategy: 4 Things to Know in 2017

SEM Campaign StrategyJust as search engines tweak their algorithms, an SEM campaign strategy needs to adjust accordingly. Google and other search engines continually work on improving algorithms and connecting consumers with the information they seek.

If you follow the rules and keep up with these changing demands, you can use this evolution to your advantage. Here are four crucial reminders for SEM this year:

1. Acquaint Yourself With Schema

Schema is a way of organizing data developed and promoted through, and the way it works is simple: If you've ever typed in a Google search result that delivers the answer to a question in a text box above the search results, that's the product of Schema. It uses structured data to give on-page information context that Google uses to seek out simple search query answers, according to Search Engine Watch.

Google uses this to connect users with the information they're seeking. It's a good idea for brands to use a structured data coding system to make basic information, such as hours, address and other details, available for Google to display.

2. Use Remarketing Lists

Remarketing lists for search engines, or RLSA, are advantageous because they let you modify ads, keywords and bids when the online search user is a past site visitor. While this isn't a new feature, it's one that many companies don't take advantage of, even though it can improve cost-efficiency and optimize an SEM campaign strategy. Based on the behavioral data gathered on these consumers, you can choose to spend more or less on your remarketing, or change the way you try to get their attention. RLSA is vital for any company that wants to be fiscally responsible.

3. Video-Based SEM Is Coming

Video will soon be a viable SEM option for brands. According to Google, the company already integrated TrueView video campaigns into its AdWords interface, which lays the foundation for a boom in video marketing through paid search channels. This evolution has been anticipated for some time, but it might break out in 2017.

Even if you aren't actively creating a video-based SEM campaign strategy, you should be having conversations in your company about what you'll do when this new approach starts to catch on.

4. Keep Your Eye on SERP Changes

You may have noticed that the meta information for web pages looks different for some search results. That's because Google has been quietly testing larger limits for the title and meta description, giving pages more space to communicate with online users before the click. Before you go rewriting all your meta information to take advantage, keep this in mind: Google hasn't officially made any changes, and while it seems like the company is moving in that direction, this isn't a done deal.

Brands might not want to invest in such deep changes to their meta information before they know the change will be permanent. With that in mind, it's wise to keep an eye on changes to SERP standards. However, be careful to not get ahead of yourself.

With these key points in mind, you're ready to continue building an SEM campaign strategy that's ready for whatever 2017 throws at it.

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